Week 12 KR

 Abby went to the kitchen to eat cookies she ate and ate and ate until she felt really ill. But That didn't stop her from going to the candy store. She bought every candy and ate it all again. She felt really ill. But she got candy for Christmas and ate it all. So her mom went to get some Medicine for Abby but Abby refused to eat it. So Abby went to  make a homemade slushy so she ate it not knowing the pop was flat. Then Abby went to bed with a kitten and cuddling a giant candy


  1. Hi KR,
    I enjoyed reading your story. Well done.
    Sometimes it's hard to stop eating ...especially around the Christmas Holidays as there are lots of treats and nice things around. This is usually followed by feeling really ill. Will we ever learn?
    Good work this week.
    Keep writing.

    Mrs Boyce (Team 100WC)



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