Week 12 RJ

 Bobby was laying on his bed because he felt really ill!   He had a headache and a sore throat!  There was one good part about being sick - he didn’t have to go… TO SCHOOL!   He got out of bed very slowly, had a drink of water but didn’t eat because he had no appetite.  He layed back down in bed and fell asleep.  When he woke up, he felt way better.  His appetite came back and he ate a big bowl of cereal.  He was back to normal and wasn’t sick anymore.  But now he had to go to school!


  1. Hi RJ,
    I really enjoyed reading your story. Well done.
    It made me smile! The pros and cons of going to school.
    In Ireland our schools were closed from March to September and definitely the boys in my school prefer being in school than not. Not necessarily for the learning... but they love meeting and chatting with each other!
    Good work this week.
    Keep writing.

    Mrs Boyce (Team 100WC)



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