Week 14 MaS

 It was halloween, I was getting ready to go trick or treating when we left the house it was sun set we first went to the neighbours there were a lot of people, I saw someone in a dress but they did not have a head, I went to go say hi, the person didn't reply so I walked away I continued trick or treating, I still wondered what was controlling the dress my first guess was a squirrel with magical powers, when I was trick or treating I heard a branch snap behind me, and the person without a head was there...


  1. Hi Martin,
    I enjoyed reading your story. Well done.
    Hallowe'en can definitely be a strange time.
    I'd love to know as well, what or who was controlling the dress.
    It sounds like you are going to find out sooner rather than later.
    I hope it ends well for you!
    Good work this week.
    Keep writing.

    Mrs Boyce (Team 100WC)



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