Week 14 MuS

 Me and my mom love to go to the Walter Museum it’s just has all the prehistoric history and items whenever we get the chance, I know we will be heading there. I walk down the path of the Museum when something, seems to catch my eyes. I hear a sudden whisper………….AHHH! I yell ‘what’s wrong’ they say it’s george he was just here… M-mom. Yes darling. H-he’s behind you. W-what’ my mom screams’ he sings a slow humming sound ‘it’s coming, nowhere to run no more. It’s coming nowhere to hide no more’ silence is just so ear piercing. AHhh! My mom’s eyes turn complete black she sings the song too. And says ‘There’s no escape’ She was wearing the same red dress…..


  1. There is quite a sudden change in the mood of your story half way through. I like that. I also really like the direct conversation between your two characters and the way you make it clear how scared they are by the way they stumble over their words. I hope they all got away safely!


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