Week 14 Word Master


Fred was at the museum when he found a statue that had never been there before. He thought it must have been a mistake so he brought it to the storage room. When he got the statue to the storage room it came alive! Fred shrieked and ran. It wasn’t a statue after all. It was aliens! 

“We are here to invade Earth. Stop running and we’ll leave you in peace”. 

Fred stopped running and the aliens raced past him. “Wait, where are you going now?”
“We said we’d leave YOU in peace. But not the rest of the world”. 


  1. Kia ora 'Word Master'. Great ending - I really like your last two sentences! Just when you think everything is going to be OK, the aliens strike! This is a wonderful 100 Word Challenge, with some good dialogue and sentence structure. Keep rising to the 100WC Word Master!
    Heidi (Team 100WC, New Zealand)


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