Week 21 Gavin

 ….but it was heavier than I expected…..

It was a sunny afternoon and Rhys and Gavin were excited because we are getting a pet fish. The fish would be at our house soon. The doorbell rang and Gavin rushed over. The pet fish had arrived! Rhys got up off the couch and came to help carry the tank to the table. But the table was wobbly, so Rhys went downstairs to get some weights to make the table more stable. But it was heavier than I expected so he dropped the weight on his toe! 

“Owwwwwwwwwww”, howled Rhys, but luckily it was only a one pound weight.     


  1. great job you did great i loved the toe drop part but maby next time make the thing they dropped hevier!

  2. Rhys J. I love your story Gavin and I love that you incorporated me in it! The only minor fix I would do in the future would be to do we're instead of we are.


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