Week 21 Lily

 I was at daycare and I drot my slime . when baycare was done I tried to pick it up  but it was heavier than I expected . I still got it into my bag  and brought it home. When i get home i put my slime into the bag with the other slime .after i did that i went to play on my tablet until I looked back and the Slime started to explode everywhere before my parents got home I cleaned it all up It took a long time .when my parents got home it was squeaky clean.


  1. Hi Lily,
    Remember that it is really important to use COPS and ARMS before you hand it in to make sure that it makes sense and is all correct. You have such creative thoughts, I want to make sure that you present them so that we can appreciate them!
    Mrs. C

    1. side note - squeaky clean is a great description!


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