Week 24 Dea

The Carrot Mystery part 1

It all started in the afternoon when the carrots of the four bunnies disappeared.  Kible called a group meeting and all four of the bunnies showed up. The orange one spoke first “Oh my God, where could they have gone!!”. All bunnies started to worry since they had no food for Winter. Captain Pink started to talk loudly: ”We have no evidence of this thief, but we need to find out where the carrots are!”  “Ooo are we going to use a snowmobile like last time?” asked Green bunny. “No, but there's a better way.. It's time to solve the mystery!”

Part two is coming next week (week 25)


  1. I love your story. I like how you use dialogue in it. This small part of your story kept me reading through, with excitement. Good job!

  2. Hi Dea
    This is a great piece of writing for the 100 word challenge. I love how you used different colours to identify the different bunnnies. It gave a lot of different characters in your story. I also like how you created suspense at the end of your story by writing "No there's a better way. It's time to solve the mystery". I'm looking forward to finding out what happens next. Well done.
    Máire O'Keeffe (Team 100wc)
    Galway, Ireland


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