Week 24 Grace

 Wandering through the universe it felt like something was watching me. Oh and by the way I'm Volcanostar, I'm a cat and I like to eat popsicles, and because I ate so many popsicles we now are in war with them. The clan has decided we will shred them to pieces! My littermates are vegans so they  can't eat popsicles but I sure am not and I like to eat popsicles. The war went in the popsicles favor probably because the orange one spoke first and then we were kicked out of the beautiful universe. THE END!


  1. Hi Grace! This looks like an action-packed plot. Sentient popsicles sounds like a scary concept! It would have been interesting to see what the popsicles looked like and how they "watched" the cats. Good work on this and keep writing!

    1. thank you but me and my friend did it together and it was based on wild cats but idk if ive read it


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