Week 25. Gavin and RJ

 It was a sunny afternoon but the ants were bored of their same old anthill. There was an ant named Tiny.  He had an idea that they should move into the hill by the huge blue statue.  Tiny told his friends about his idea and they said “ I like the idea, let's do it!”  When the queen ant heard about this idea she threatened to sit on him.  But the other ants thought Tiny’s idea  would work, so they started walking towards the blue statue.  What they did not know was that they had a road to cross dun dun...


  1. Oh no, I don't like the thought of poor Tiny and his ant friends crossing the road to see the blue statue more closely. Sounds like it might be a case of squashed ants? Although possibly Queen Ant would have made Tiny a bit flat if she had sat on him too?

    Great work!

    Michelle, Team 100wc,
    Melbourne, Australia


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