Week 25 Jiya

 On a downfall day, I was walking home from camp. I saw a weird looking statue, he was as creepy as he could be. I decided I would ignore the creepiness the statue was surrounding. I continued walking when I heard something walking behind me, there was the spooky statue. I was terrified! “ Hi!” the statue said. “ Who are you, and what do you want?” I asked. I got a tigerish feeling in my head. I told the statue that I had to go now” I said ”Why?”asked the statue. “ It is getting dark.” I said.  To be continued…


  1. Hi Jiya
    What a scary story you've written in response to the picture prompt for this week's 100 word challenge, made all the more scary by the cliffhanger at the end "to be continued". You've created an air of suspense in your writing and painted a picture with your words of a terrifying scene. I for one would love to know what happened next. Did the statue turn out to be a nice character or a sinister one as you seem to be suggesting in your writing? Well done. Keep up the good work.
    Máire O'Keeffe (team 100wc)
    Galway, Ireland


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