Week 28 Kensie
Once upon a time there was a boy who lived in a small village. one beautiful night he was out for a stroll he heard a pitiful howl he thought it was all in his head but he saw a shadow
In some sort of canine form the young boy did not know what a wolf looked like he had heard rumors though about villagers roaming off into the forest and not coming back.all of a sudden
he got pinned to the ground by a puppy the mother growled and hissed and let out a howl...to be continued.
In the future if you could leave the text as a darker colour that would be so helpful! I love the font, because it matches the kind of story you have written. I like that you started your story with 'Once upon a time' because everyone loves those types of stories! Just a reminder that at the beginning of a sentence you should use a capital letter and a space after the full stop. You use really good words, like 'canine' and 'roaming' which add a lot to the story. Thanks very much for letting me read it, and have a great week!